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The world of esports has seen immense growth in recent years, with games like League of Legends (LOL) taking center stage. As the popularity of LOL continues to rise, so does the demand for professional and knowledgeable commentators who can provide English-language analysis and commentary during live matches. In this article, we will explore the world of League of Legends English casting, delving into the terminology and techniques used by these expert commentators.

I. The Role of English Casting in League of Legends

English casting in League of Legends serves a crucial purpose - to provide real-time analysis and commentary for viewers who may not be familiar with the intricacies of the game. Casters play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between the gameplay and the audience, ensuring that viewers are engaged, informed, and entertained throughout the match.

II. Definitions and Categorization of English Casting Terminology

To understand the world of English casting, it is essential to delve into the terminology used by casters. These terms can be broadly classified into three categories: gameplay-specific terms, strategic terms, and descriptive terms.

1. Gameplay-Specific Terms:

These terms describe the various actions, abilities, and mechanics within the game. For instance, "cooldowns" refer to the time needed for a particular ability to become available again after it has been used. Other gameplay-specific terms include "ganks" (ambushes performed by multiple players) and "last-hitting" (delivering the final blow to a minion or enemy champion for gold and experience).

2. Strategic Terms:

Strategic terms encompass the macro-level decision-making and tactics employed by teams during matches. Examples of strategic terms used by casters include "split-pushing" (when a player focuses on pushing a specific lane to draw the enemy team's attention) and "objective control" (managing and prioritizing objectives such as dragon and Baron Nashor).

3. Descriptive Terms:

Descriptive terms are used by casters to create vivid and engaging narratives during live matches. These terms help viewers visualize the action and understand its significance. Words and phrases like "clutch play" (a game-changing move under high pressure) and "teamfight" (a coordinated battle involving multiple players from both teams) fall under this category.

III. Examples of English Casting Techniques

English casting involves a range of techniques to keep viewers engaged and informed. These techniques include:

1. Play-by-Play Commentary:

The play-by-play commentary technique involves providing a detailed account of events as they unfold. Casters use this technique to describe individual actions, team movements, and important moments during the match. By focusing on the immediacy of the action, play-by-play commentary helps build excitement and anticipation for the viewers.

2. Color Commentary:

Color commentary complements the play-by-play technique by providing analysis and insights into the gameplay. Casters use this technique to explain strategic decisions, highlight player performance, and offer predictions about the outcome of the match. By delving deeper into the game's intricacies, color commentary enhances viewers' understanding of the match.

IV. A Comparison between English and Other Languages Casting

While English casting follows similar principles as casting in other languages, there are some notable differences. English casters often prioritize communicating information concisely and clearly, ensuring that viewers can follow the game without feeling overwhelmed. In contrast, casters in other languages may place more emphasis on dramatic delivery and emotional expression to captivate their audience.

V. Conclusion

The world of English casting in League of Legends is a vital component of the esports industry. Through the use of defined terminology and various casting techniques, casters play a crucial role in providing analysis, commentary, and entertainment for viewers. As the popularity of League of Legends continues to soar, the demand for talented English casters will only continue to grow.




With the rising popularity of League of Legends (LOL), many fans are eager to watch replays of the game's English commentary. However, finding the right platform to watch these replays can be a challenge. In this industry article, we will explore where you can find LOL English commentary replays. We will provide a systematic and objective analysis, utilizing definitions, classifications, examples, and comparisons, to guide you in your search.


I. Online Streaming Platforms

Online streaming platforms are a popular choice for viewing LOL English commentary replays. These platforms provide a wide range of content, including live commentaries and replays. The most commonly used platforms for this purpose are Twitch, YouTube, and Douyu.

a. Twitch

Twitch is a leading platform for esports and gaming content. It offers a diverse range of channels dedicated to broadcasting LOL matches and replays. Users can easily find English commentary replays by searching for specific teams, tournaments, or casters. Furthermore, Twitch allows viewers to engage with the community through live chat, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

b. YouTube

YouTube is another popular platform for watching LOL English commentary replays. Many content creators upload high-quality replays with English commentary to their channels. Users can search for specific videos or channels to find the desired content. Additionally, YouTube provides features such as playlists, allowing users to organize and access replays conveniently.

c. Douyu

Douyu is a Chinese streaming platform that also hosts LOL English commentary replays. While primarily focused on the Chinese audience, Douyu offers a selection of English commentary replays for international viewers. Users can browse through categories or search for specific games or casters to find the replays they are looking for.

II. Esports Websites and Apps

Esports websites and apps dedicated to LOL provide comprehensive coverage of matches, including English commentary replays. These platforms are specifically tailored to the gaming community, ensuring easy access to desired content.

a. Liquipedia

Liquipedia is a widely-used esports wiki that covers various games, including LOL. It provides detailed information about tournaments, players, and teams. Users can navigate through the site to find specific matches, which often include English commentary replays. Liquipedia is a valuable resource for fans looking for a centralized location to access LOL English commentary replays.

b. Official LOL Websites and Apps

The official websites and apps associated with LOL are another reliable source for English commentary replays. These platforms often offer replays of professional matches with professional commentary. Users can access this content by visiting the official websites or downloading the official apps.


In conclusion, watching LOL English commentary replays can be conveniently done on various platforms. Online streaming platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and Douyu offer a wide range of content, allowing users to search for specific teams, tournaments, or casters. Esports websites and apps, such as Liquipedia and official LOL platforms, provide comprehensive coverage and centralized access to English commentary replays. By utilizing these platforms, fans can enjoy the excitement of LOL matches and stay engaged with the gaming community.




英雄联盟(League of Legends,简称LOL)是一款全球知名的多人在线战术游戏,它不仅有着庞大的玩家群体,还拥有专业的电竞圈。在这个电竞圈中,英雄联盟的比赛和解说术语是必备的工具。本文将详细介绍英雄联盟英语解说术语的相关知识,通过定义、分类、举例和比较等方法,让读者全面了解这个行业的术语体系。



英雄联盟的定位术语主要用来描述游戏中不同英雄的角色和定位。Top Lane(上单)指的是游戏地图上最上方的线路,通常由坦克或高生存能力英雄承担;而ADC(Attack Damage Carry)则是指由远程物理输出英雄承担的角色。Mid Lane(中单)指的是地图中间的线路,通常由高输出和爆发能力的法师英雄承担。


英雄联盟的技能术语主要用来描述游戏中英雄的技能和效果。CC(Crowd Control)指的是控制技能,包括眩晕、冰冻、沉默等,用于限制敌方英雄的行动能力;而Burst Damage则是指瞬间爆发伤害的技能,常用于击杀敌方英雄。




英雄联盟的战术术语主要用来描述比赛中的战术策略和操作技巧。Split Push是指分散队伍,让部分队员在地图的其他位置推塔,以分散敌人的防守;而Rotation则是指团队在地图上迅速转移位置,以占据更有利的地形。


英雄联盟的比赛术语主要用来描述比赛中的各种情况和事件。Baron Nashor(纳什男爵)是地图上的一种强力野怪,击杀他能够带来丰厚的奖励;而Dragon(龙)则是另一种重要的野怪,击杀后可以获得全队属性加成。





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